The best way to determine whether your child is in need of a booster seat, is to follow the UK Government’s regulations regarding Child Car Seats.
By law, children must normally use a child car seat until they are 12 years old, or 135 cm – whichever arrives first. Children over this age, like all other adults who travel by car, must wear their seatbelt. There is a variety of car seats available depending on your child’s height and weight. See below for the government’s recommendations on which booster seat is best for your child:
- 0-10kg – ‘Lateral’ baby carrier, rear-facing baby carrier, or rear-facing baby seat using a harness
- 0-13kg – Rear-facing baby carrier, or rear-facing baby seat using a harness
- 9kg-18kg – Rear or forward-facing baby seat using a harness
- 15kg-25kg – Rear or forward-facing child car seat (high backed booster seat or cushion) using a seatbelt, harness or safety shield
- 22-36 kg – Rear or forward-facing child car seat (high backed booster seat or booster cushion) using a seatbelt, harness or safety shield
For children with physical disabilities, the same regulations apply. There are, however, car seats which comply with these regulations whilst accommodating for your child’s physical needs.
To find out more about booster seats for children, visit Gov.Uk –