My child has a long-term medical condition – what if they miss a lot of school?

Support is available for parents concerned about the impact of long-term medical conditions on their child’s schooling. Schools may not remove a child unable to attend school because of health from the register without parental consent and a school medical officer’s certificate. This provision has been in place since 2014, with governing bodies responsible for […]

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How can I help my child with maths if I hate it?

Does the prospect of helping your child with their maths homework trouble you? If so, you’re not alone. A third of parents told the Open University that they struggle with their child’s maths homework (children aged 6 to 9) during a recent study. Although many of us are daunted by digits, education and development experts warn […]

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How can I boost my child’s language skills before they start school?

Many parents would admit to nervously awaiting milestone moments in their child’s development and the delight of hearing their first words and first sentences is definitely priceless. But if you are growing worried that your child may have a smaller vocabulary than other children their age, talks less or you simply want to be doing […]

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Which teacher gifts should I buy for the end of term?

It’s only natural to want to show your child’s teacher how much you appreciate the job they are doing in helping your son or daughter develop into an able, confident and knowledgeable young person. You and your child will probably want to say ‘goodbye’ and ‘thank you’ at the end of the school term, but […]

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How do I appeal against a school place decision?

If you feel disappointed about your child’s school place, you can appeal against the decision. You must appeal against each rejection separately and you can only appeal once against each rejection. The admission authority for the school must allow you at least 20 school days to appeal from they send the decision letter. The admission […]

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My child hates school – what can I do?

Frequent sick-days and a general reluctance to go in are signs that your child is not enjoying their school experience. We have collected a few different pieces of advice to help you resolve these issues. Parent Line Plus’s Sue Ormesher advises parents to first of all find out what is making their child unhappy – […]

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Should my child take the eleven plus?

If you are keen for your child to attend one of England or Northern Ireland’s selective state grammar schools, it is likely they will need to get through the 11+ test first. The test is usually taken early in the last year of primary school but parents often start pondering over whether to do it […]

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Are after-school clubs good for my child?

Many people enrol their child or children in an after-school club and, for working parents, they are a lifeline. As well as extending the school day for working parents, after-school clubs can also be a fantastic way for children to widen their knowledge, make new friends and learn some great new skills. What is an […]

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Is my child a genius?

All children are special, but being a ‘genius’ is an innate ability, an aptitude of a different league that sets the Einstein’s, Steve Jobs and Marie Curies apart. Professor Joan Freeman explains how to identity extraordinary intelligence in children and how to help gifted young children make the most of their brilliant minds. Joan says: […]

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My child is starting primary school – How can I get prepared?

As the big “first day” of school approaches, we have compiled some recommendations on what to buy and how to get prepared. Become Familiar Getting to know the school before September comes around can be a great way to help your little ones feel more at ease. Becoming familiar with their new surroundings, as well […]

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