How can I help my child to gain weight?

The NHS tells us that about 1 in 5 children in reception are overweight or obese, rising to 1 in 3 in year 6. But what if your child’s weight places them in the underweight bracket? First steps if you have been told that your child is underweight for their age, height and gender: Book […]

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My child said she’s fat (she’s not) – what can I do?

Child psychologists would console any parent in this predicament by focusing on the fact that their child chose to share this concern with them. You now have the opportunity to bolster their self esteem and calm any misplaced anxiety. Studies have found that children as young as 5 are thinking negatively about their bodies and […]

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My child has a long-term medical condition – what if they miss a lot of school?

Support is available for parents concerned about the impact of long-term medical conditions on their child’s schooling. Schools may not remove a child unable to attend school because of health from the register without parental consent and a school medical officer’s certificate. This provision has been in place since 2014, with governing bodies responsible for […]

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How do I prepare my child for the dentist?

Helping your child feel at ease in the dentist chair is an important step towards laying a foundation of good oral health for life. But where should you start, especially if you always feel nervous before dental appointments yourself? Start and stay positive Dentists and health professionals’ top recommendation for parents is to model positive […]

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Will I have to pay for my child’s eye test?

Caring for your child’s sight is a priority, so it’s comforting to know that opticians offer free sight tests for children under 16 and for young people under 19 in full-time education. When should I take them for an eye test? Children’s eyes may be checked as standard during their early years, for example, at […]

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How can we stay cool in a heatwave?

During a heatwave it can be challenging to keep children hydrated, happy and busy with activities that don’t leave them feeling miserably hot and bothered. To help you cope with high temperatures, we’ve gathered some tried and tested advice. Avoid the midday sun Playing outdoors before 10am and after 4pm is a recommended plan for […]

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Does my child have asthma?

Asthma is defined as a “respiratory condition marked by attacks of spasm in the bronchi of the lungs, causing difficulty in breathing.” It is usually connected to allergic reaction or other forms of hypersensitivity. If you feel that your child might be suffering from asthma, take a look at the causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment […]

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Does my child have ADHD?

ADHD, otherwise known as ‘Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder’, is defined as a “condition marked by persistent inattention, hyperactivity, and sometimes impulsivity”. If you feel that your child might be suffering from ADHD, take a look at the causes, symptoms and treatment options available below. Symptoms: Symptoms of ADHD can often be spotted from early childhood, […]

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Is my child dyslexic?

The signs and symptoms of dyslexia differ from person to person. Each individual with the condition will have a unique pattern of strengths and weaknesses. Symptoms Problems learning the names and sounds of letters Spelling that is unpredictable and inconsistent Putting letters and figures the wrong way around, such as writing ‘6’ instead of ‘9’, […]

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Are energy drinks bad for my children?

Energy drinks are the neon-coloured fizzy drinks found in petrol stations, pharmacies, vending machines and supermarkets that have been known to be marketed towards children – but are they safe and healthy for their consumption? According to experts, most of these drinks are packed with caffeine and sugar, as well as varying ingredients that include […]

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