How can I help my child with maths if I hate it?

Does the prospect of helping your child with their maths homework trouble you? If so, you’re not alone. A third of parents told the Open University that they struggle with their child’s maths homework (children aged 6 to 9) during a recent study. Although many of us are daunted by digits, education and development experts warn […]

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Will I have to pay for my child’s eye test?

Caring for your child’s sight is a priority, so it’s comforting to know that opticians offer free sight tests for children under 16 and for young people under 19 in full-time education. When should I take them for an eye test? Children’s eyes may be checked as standard during their early years, for example, at […]

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What documents do I need for a child’s first UK passport?

Even the youngest babies need their own passports to travel, which parents can apply for with proof of their child’s British nationality. A child passport is valid for five years and parents can apply for them on behalf of their children who are under 16. To process your child’s application the passport office will need […]

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How can we stay cool in a heatwave?

During a heatwave it can be challenging to keep children hydrated, happy and busy with activities that don’t leave them feeling miserably hot and bothered. To help you cope with high temperatures, we’ve gathered some tried and tested advice. Avoid the midday sun Playing outdoors before 10am and after 4pm is a recommended plan for […]

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How can I stop my child lying?

Whether you call it telling fibs, whoppers or even fake news, lying is an infuriating behaviour trait that can test the most patient parent. Not only that but it can get children into trouble at school, cause upsetting arguments with their friends, and lying isn’t something a child wants to become known for. How can […]

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How can I help protect my child from online grooming?

Online grooming is a frightening prospect and a devastating crime. Criminals will seek to build a relationship with a child online in order to win their trust to commit sexual abuse or exploitation. Parents can take certain precautions to help minimise the risks of online grooming and are advised to always watch for warning signs […]

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What is Sharenting and is it dangerous?

With so many of us living far away from family and friends, social media has become the go-to method of sharing photographs and video footage of our children’s milestone moments and family celebrations. But where does the ease of sharing end and neglecting our children’s privacy begin? A 2016 study found that on average, parents […]

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How can I stop my child developing a gaming addiction?

Warning signs of video game overuse can include trouble sleeping, poorer than usual school work and behaviour, and less time spent seeing friends. Experts agree that it might be wise to gently curb your child’s gaming hobby if they are spending more than two hours per day (every day) gaming, or you are worried about […]

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How can I protect my child from inappropriate content online?

The risk of exposure to inappropriate material is a growing concern in our increasingly digital environment, meaning many parents are constantly on their guard against unexpected sources of violent, adult, distressing or criminal content. Parental controls and supervised use of the internet are the recommended foundations of safe internet use. But with new technologies offering […]

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Is children’s yoga any good?

Primary schools offering yoga classes for pupils say the activity is used as a calming break from learning, and is packed with physical, mental and emotional benefits. Parents often talk about using yoga to help children relax before bedtime, and about how a few minutes of yoga can act as a helpful mood-changer for an […]

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