How do I stop a cyberbully?

Cyberbullying is malicious use of the internet and digital device to deliberately bait, intimidate, humiliate or insult a person or group. Cyberbullies can follow their target constantly, making cyberbullying incredibly persistent and pervasive. You may suspect your child is being bullied online if they become withdrawn or emotional after screen time, react nervously to new […]

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When can we start swimming lessons?

Introducing children to the water from a young age is an ambition many parents share, especially those who are keen swimmers themselves (or those who regret never learning). The desire to raise water babies from the off is clearly illustrated by the popularity of baby swimming classes where new parents bond and splash in the […]

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What can I do about travel sickness?

Have you noticed your 10-year-old child complaining of feeling queasy during journeys that have never fazed him or her before? This onset of nausea could be being caused by a peak in motion sickness susceptibility, which it’s said we all experience in the run up to our teenage years. Travelling with your children can be […]

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Do we need travel vaccinations?

Asking your GP about holiday vaccinations is a must if you intend to travel internationally as a family. As soon as your destination and departure date are confirmed it’s important to book an appointment to visit the doctor’s surgery. Aim to discuss your jabs at least 8 weeks before you are scheduled to fly out […]

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How much screen time is too much?

Bad weather and the lure of our favourite games, social media and streamed TV shows makes spending time in front of a screen a difficult habit for many of us to break. And you probably know that limiting a child’s screen time to a set number of hours per day is advised to avoid disturbed […]

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My child’s a bully – what can I do?

It can be a huge shock to hear that your child has been found bullying other children at school, especially if you have never witnessed such behaviour first hand at home. You may have been called, emailed or written to by your child’s teacher and asked to work with them to resolve the bullying and […]

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Road safety rules – where do I start?

It makes sombre reading but research shows the number of children injured as pedestrians peaks at 12 years of age, which is when many pupils start travelling to and from school on their own. Meanwhile almost a quarter of the cyclists killed or injured are children: 10 to 15-year-old cyclists are the most at risk […]

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How can I stop my child getting sick on holiday?

Caring for a sick child is challenging enough on a regular day at home with the benefit of familiar medicines and medical advice close to hand. On holiday, in a hot climate where the risk of dehydration is more pronounced, for example, illnesses can be a miserable and stressful time for everyone involved. Prevention is […]

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Should I introduce house rules?

Boundaries are commonly considered to be one of the best ways to help children grow into thoughtful, emotionally resilient adults. House rules can also help improve family life and makes the consequences of any bad behaviour fully transparent. Ways to introduce your house rules mindfully – 1. Way of life Safety, manners, daily routines and […]

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My child’s aggression is becoming an issue – help!

Seeing your child lash out or harm others can be upsetting and could leave you feeling confused about the root cause of their anger. Helping your child to manage negative emotions becomes easier when you know what may be behind their negative feeling. Of course, sanctioning the aggression has to come first – firmly explain […]

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