Does the prospect of helping your child with their maths homework trouble you? If so, you’re not alone. A third of parents told the Open University that they struggle with their child’s maths homework (children aged 6 to 9) during a recent study.
Although many of us are daunted by digits, education and development experts warn against communicating a maths aversion to our children. Witnessing an adult’s dislike for the discipline could potentially damage their fledgling confidence with numbers.
We’ve some tips to boost your confidence from some experts in the maths field – perfect for when you’re putting on a brave face:
Don’t know the answer? Say so
If your fear of maths is rooted in memories of failure in tests or embarrassment in maths class, maybe it’s time to rethink maths as all about making mistakes. Teachers would reassure parents that maths, at its heart, is about problem solving and problem solving takes time. Parents aren’t under pressure to give a correct answer to every maths question on the spot. Instead focus on the learning process and figure out the solution with your child. This in turn helps children to develop a growth mindset.
Try the latest methods
How maths is taught in schools can seem to change with every generation. Your child’s teacher should be delighted to hear you asking about the latest methods and they might even have time to share a quick tutorial on partitioning and place value.
Have fun weaving primary maths topics into everyday life
Making maths relevant to daily, fun activities is a recommended method of boosting engagement:
Parents can find more practical tips and advice at the National Numeracy website, here –